Autore |
Discussione |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Inserito il - 13 marzo 2012 : 09:44:04
Placing multi-sheet PDFs into AutoCAD, semi-automatically
R.K. McSwain, Copyright © 2012 -
(defun C:PMP ( / fname cnt i)
(setq fname (getfiled "\nSelect Multisheet PDF File" (getvar "dwgprefix") "PDF" 0))
(setq cnt (getint "\nNumber of sheets in this PDF to place ") i 1)
(if fname
(repeat cnt
(vl-cmdf "-pdfattach" fname i (getpoint "\nPick LL point for next sheet ") 1.0 0.0)
(setq i (1+ i))
) |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Inserito il - 15 maggio 2012 : 07:49:33
OsnapzBG freeware
When the AutoCAD variable OSNAPZ is changed many have found it useful to have a more visual change to indicate its state. In verticals like AutoCAD Architecture you have a small button that indicates the state of the “Z lock” but some might want to even have the background color change just like the Block Editor changes the background color.
With OsnapzBG loaded any change of OSNAPZ will also change the background and other specified colors depending on if OSNAPZ is set to 0 or 1.
The four colors that are saved and changed are: *Model Space Crosshair Color *Model Space Background Color *Model Space Autotrack Vector Color *Model Space Autosnap Marker Color |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Utente Master
Regione: Lazio
Prov.: Roma
Città: Roma
799 Messaggi |
Inserito il - 16 maggio 2012 : 15:03:04
Geniale! Relativamente semplice e... geniale! |
Jotar |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Inserito il - 04 luglio 2012 : 09:21:23
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Inserito il - 12 luglio 2012 : 14:08:08
How to detect DWG files containing VBA macros?
Some of your DWG drawings may contain unwanted embedded VBA macros. If you need to identify and clean such drawings, you can use the Xanadu DBXscanVBA and DBXremVBA applications. The free LISP utility DBXscanVBA scans all DWG files in a given folder (and its subfolders) and generates a report with a list of all DWG files containing VBA macros. The files are not opened individually.
Another utility - DBXremVBA - can batch-remove VBA macros from all drawings in a given folder (without opening them).
Just appload these utilities and start the "DBXscanVBA" or "DBXremVBA" command. Browse to the folder you want to process and click "Save". |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Inserito il - 16 agosto 2012 : 10:07:57
Program Description
This program provides the user with detailed information about every segment of a selected LWPolyline in the form of either an AutoCAD Table (if available), Text file, or CSV file.
Upon calling the program with the command syntax polyinfo at the AutoCAD command-line, the user is prompted to select an LWPolyline to be queried from the active drawing. At this prompt the user also has the option to choose the form of output for the information harvested by the program; this output format will be remembered between drawing sessions to enable streamlined repeated program usage.
The program will output LWPolyline segment data to either an AutoCAD Table Object created in the active drawing (if such object is available in the version of AutoCAD in which the program is being executed), or a tab-delimited Text file or CSV file automatically created (streamlining the program to minimise prompts) in the working directory of the active drawing.
For every segment of the selected LWPolyline, the program will extract the following information:
Segment Number Segment Start Vertex Coordinate Segment End Vertex Coordinate Segment Start Width Segment End Width Segment Length Arc Centre (if arc segment) Arc Radius (if arc segment) |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Inserito il - 31 agosto 2012 : 12:42:28
Testo isometrico
;; Lee Mac
;; Found @
(defun c:isotext ( / e i j k)
;(setq i (/ pi 6.) j -1.)
(setq i 0 k (/ pi 6.) j -1.)
;; © Lee Mac 2011
(setq e (car (entsel "\nSelect Text: ")))
(eq (vla-get-Objectname (setq e (vlax-ename->vla-object e))) "AcDbText")
(princ "\nPress [Tab] to Change Projection <Accept>")
(while (= 9 (cadr (grread nil 14 0)))
;(vla-put-rotation e i)
(vla-put-rotation e (* k (1- (* 2 (setq i (rem (+ i (max 0 (setq j (- j)))) 3))))))
;(vla-put-obliqueangle e (setq i (* i (setq j (- j)))))
(vla-put-obliqueangle e (* j k))
) |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Inserito il - 03 settembre 2012 : 13:20:18
oltre alle polilinee, permette di creare velocemente entità coprenti anche selezionando cerchi o ellissi
;;; OB2WO (gile) -Gilles Chanteau- 10/03/07
;;; Creates a "Wipeout" from an object (circle, ellipse, or polyline with arcs)
;;; Works whatever the current ucs and object OCS
(defun c:ob2wo (/ ent lst nor)
(if (and (setq ent (car (entsel)))
(member (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ent)))
(setq lst (ent2ptlst ent))
(setq nor (cdr (assoc 210 (entget ent))))
(vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
(makeWipeout lst nor)
(initget "Yes No")
(= (getkword "\nDelete source object? [Yes/No] <No>: ")
(entdel ent)
(vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
;;; Returns the vertices list of the polygon figuring the curve object
;;; Coordinates defined in OCS
(defun ent2ptlst (ent / obj dist n lst p_lst prec)
(if (= (type ent) 'ENAME)
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
((member (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ent))) '("CIRCLE" "ELLIPSE"))
(setq dist (/ (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam
(vlax-curve-getEndParam obj)
n 0
(repeat 50
(vlax-curve-getPointAtDist obj (* dist (setq n (1+ n))))
(vlax-get obj 'Normal)
(setq p_lst (vl-remove-if-not
'(lambda (x)
(or (= (car x) 10)
(= (car x) 42)
(entget ent)
(while p_lst
(append (cdr (assoc 10 p_lst))
(list (cdr (assoc 38 (entget ent))))
(if (/= 0 (cdadr p_lst))
(setq prec (1+ (fix (* 25 (sqrt (abs (cdadr p_lst))))))
dist (/ (- (if (cdaddr p_lst)
(trans (cdaddr p_lst) ent 0)
(vlax-curve-getEndParam obj)
(trans (cdar p_lst) ent 0)
n 0
(repeat (1- prec)
lst (cons
(+ (vlax-curve-getDistAtPoint
(trans (cdar p_lst) ent 0)
(* dist (setq n (1+ n)))
(setq p_lst (cddr p_lst))
;;; MakeWipeout creates a "wipeout" from a points list and the normal vector of the object
(defun MakeWipeout (pt_lst nor / dxf10 max_dist cen dxf_14)
(setq dxf10 (list (apply 'min (mapcar 'car pt_lst))
(apply 'min (mapcar 'cadr pt_lst))
(caddar pt_lst)
(apply 'max
(mapcar '- (apply 'mapcar (cons 'max pt_lst)) dxf10)
(setq cen (mapcar '+ dxf10 (list (/ max_dist 2) (/ max_dist 2) 0.0)))
dxf14 (mapcar
'(lambda (p)
(mapcar '/
(mapcar '- p cen)
(list max_dist (- max_dist) 1.0)
(setq dxf14 (reverse (cons (car dxf14) (reverse dxf14))))
(entmake (append (list '(0 . "WIPEOUT")
'(100 . "AcDbEntity")
'(100 . "AcDbWipeout")
'(90 . 0)
(cons 10 (trans dxf10 nor 0))
(cons 11 (trans (list max_dist 0.0 0.0) nor 0))
(cons 12 (trans (list 0.0 max_dist 0.0) nor 0))
'(13 1.0 1.0 0.0)
'(70 . 7)
'(280 . 1)
'(71 . 2)
(cons 91 (length dxf14))
(mapcar '(lambda (p) (cons 14 p)) dxf14)
) |
Modificato da - arri in data 03 settembre 2012 13:27:06 |
Utente Master
Regione: Piemonte
Prov.: Vercelli
2778 Messaggi |
Inserito il - 28 ottobre 2012 : 13:01:17
Una nuova versione di RB (Rinomina Blocchi), con la quale è possibile rinominare (o creare) anche i blocchi anonimi.
Non riesco ad allegare file, inserisco il codice.
;;; file: RB.lsp ;;;
;;; data: 22/10/2008 ;;;
;;; note: rinomina il blocco selezionato ;;;
;;; ;;;
;;; aggiornamento: (Versione 2) - 01/04/2009 ;;;
;;; - default sulla casella OK ;;;
;;; - controllo esistenza nome blocco ;;;
;;; ;;;
;;; aggiornamento: (Versione 3) - 02/04/2009 ;;;
;;; - allargata casella editazione nome blocco ;;;
;;; ;;;
;;; aggiornamento: (Versione 4) - 28/10/2012 ;;;
;;; - rinomina blocchi dinamici e blocchi anonimi ;;;
;;; - creazione di blocchi anonimi ;;;
;;; - inglobamento DCL nel lisp ;;;
;;; ;;;
;;; autore: Gian Paolo Cattaneo ;;;
(defun c:RB (/ :bb old new dcl_id)
(prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ")
(while (not :bb)
(setvar 'errno 0)
(setq :bb (car (entsel "\nSelezionare il Blocco da Rinominare")))
(if (= 7 (getvar 'errno))
(alert "Nessun oggetto selezionato")
(if (= 'ename (type :bb))
(if (null (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (entget :bb))) "INSERT"))
(alert "L'oggetto non è un Blocco")
(setq :bb nil)
(setq old (vla-get-effectivename (vlax-ename->vla-object :bb)))
(/= (strcase old) (strcase new))
(tblsearch "BLOCK" new)
(alert "Un blocco con questo nome esiste già")
(prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ")
(defun RB_dcl ( / DCLname)
(setq DCLname (strcat (getvar 'localrootprefix) "RB_V4.dcl"))
(if (not (findfile DCLname)) (crea_dcl_RB))
(if (= POSIZ_DCL_RB nil) (setq POSIZ_DCL_RB (list -1 -1)))
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog DCLname))
(if (not (new_dialog "RB4" dcl_id "" POSIZ_DCL_RB)) (exit))
(setq new old)
(set_tile "new" new)
(action_tile "new" "(setq new $value)")
(unload_dialog dcl_id)
(defun crea_dcl_RB (/ fn f)
(setq fn DCLname)
(setq f (open fn "w"))
(write-line "RB4:dialog {" f)
(write-line "label = \"RB - Rinomina Blocco (Vers. 4)\";" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " initial_focus=\"new\";" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : text {" f)
(write-line " label = \"Nuovo Nome Blocco:\";" f)
(write-line " alignment = centered;" f)
(write-line " } " f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : text {" f)
(write-line " label = \"(digitare: *U per creare un Blocco Anonimo)\";" f)
(write-line " alignment = centered;" f)
(write-line " } " f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : edit_box {" f)
(write-line " key=\"new\";" f)
(write-line " allow_accept=true;" f)
(write-line " }" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " ok_only;" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : text { " f)
(write-line " label = \"Copyright © 2012 - Gian Paolo Cattaneo\";" f)
(write-line " alignment = centered;" f)
(write-line " }" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line "}" f)
(close f)
(load_dialog fn)
(prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ")
(princ "\nRinominare un Blocco (V.4) - by Gian Paolo Cattaneo")
(princ "\nDigitare RB per lanciare il lisp")
Utente Master
Regione: Lombardia
14951 Messaggi |
Inserito il - 28 ottobre 2012 : 13:12:05
Messaggio inserito da GP
Una nuova versione di RB (Rinomina Blocchi), con la quale è possibile rinominare (o creare) anche i blocchi anonimi.
Non riesco ad allegare file, inserisco il codice.
;;; file: RB.lsp ;;;
;;; data: 22/10/2008 ;;;
;;; note: rinomina il blocco selezionato ;;;
;;; ;;;
;;; aggiornamento: (Versione 2) - 01/04/2009 ;;;
;;; - default sulla casella OK ;;;
;;; - controllo esistenza nome blocco ;;;
;;; ;;;
;;; aggiornamento: (Versione 3) - 02/04/2009 ;;;
;;; - allargata casella editazione nome blocco ;;;
;;; ;;;
;;; aggiornamento: (Versione 4) - 28/10/2012 ;;;
;;; - rinomina blocchi dinamici e blocchi anonimi ;;;
;;; - creazione di blocchi anonimi ;;;
;;; - inglobamento DCL nel lisp ;;;
;;; ;;;
;;; autore: Gian Paolo Cattaneo ;;;
(defun c:RB (/ :bb old new dcl_id)
(prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ")
(while (not :bb)
(setvar 'errno 0)
(setq :bb (car (entsel "\nSelezionare il Blocco da Rinominare")))
(if (= 7 (getvar 'errno))
(alert "Nessun oggetto selezionato")
(if (= 'ename (type :bb))
(if (null (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (entget :bb))) "INSERT"))
(alert "L'oggetto non è un Blocco")
(setq :bb nil)
(setq old (vla-get-effectivename (vlax-ename->vla-object :bb)))
(/= (strcase old) (strcase new))
(tblsearch "BLOCK" new)
(alert "Un blocco con questo nome esiste già")
(prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ")
(defun RB_dcl ( / DCLname)
(setq DCLname (strcat (getvar 'localrootprefix) "RB_V4.dcl"))
(if (not (findfile DCLname)) (crea_dcl_RB))
(if (= POSIZ_DCL_RB nil) (setq POSIZ_DCL_RB (list -1 -1)))
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog DCLname))
(if (not (new_dialog "RB4" dcl_id "" POSIZ_DCL_RB)) (exit))
(setq new old)
(set_tile "new" new)
(action_tile "new" "(setq new $value)")
(unload_dialog dcl_id)
(defun crea_dcl_RB (/ fn f)
(setq fn DCLname)
(setq f (open fn "w"))
(write-line "RB4:dialog {" f)
(write-line "label = \"RB - Rinomina Blocco (Vers. 4)\";" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " initial_focus=\"new\";" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : text {" f)
(write-line " label = \"Nuovo Nome Blocco:\";" f)
(write-line " alignment = centered;" f)
(write-line " } " f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : text {" f)
(write-line " label = \"(digitare: *U per creare un Blocco Anonimo)\";" f)
(write-line " alignment = centered;" f)
(write-line " } " f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : edit_box {" f)
(write-line " key=\"new\";" f)
(write-line " allow_accept=true;" f)
(write-line " }" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " ok_only;" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line " : spacer {}" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line " : text { " f)
(write-line " label = \"Copyright © 2012 - Gian Paolo Cattaneo\";" f)
(write-line " alignment = centered;" f)
(write-line " }" f)
(write-line "" f)
(write-line "}" f)
(close f)
(load_dialog fn)
(prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ") (prompt "\n ")
(princ "\nRinominare un Blocco (V.4) - by Gian Paolo Cattaneo")
(princ "\nDigitare RB per lanciare il lisp")
ottimo !!
grazie GP |
Discussione |