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 1 - TuttoCAD Software
 Bounding Box Reactor

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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
arri Inserito il - 30 novembre 2010 : 09:42:52
This program is predominantly a 'proof of concept', and still contains a few bugs with respect to performing undo commands when using the program. However, I am posting it as a beneficial learning tool for those programmers new to using reactors.

The program will allow a user to bound a set of objects with an LWPolyline, whose position will automatically update following any modification of the bounded objects.

There are three modes of operation:

BBRN (BoundingBox Reactor New) allows a user to create a new group of objects to be bounded. The user is prompted to make a selection of objects and these become the owners of an object reactor controlling the bounding LWPolyline.

BBRA (BoundingBox Reactor Add) will enable the user to add objects to an existing reactor group: the user is prompted to select a group to which the objects are to be added, then select those objects to add.

BBRR (BoundingBox Reactor Remove) will allow the user to delete a selection or all objects from a selected group, or delete all reactor groups in a drawing.

2   U L T I M E    R I S P O S T E    (in alto le più recenti)
arri Inserito il - 05 dicembre 2011 : 08:52:32
altra alternativa

Terminator Inserito il - 30 novembre 2010 : 10:59:39
Ieri nell'altro post parlo di reattori e, guarda caso, il buon arri mi tira fuori dal suo cappello a cilindro un bel programmino su un uso possibile dei reattori.

Grazie arri!

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