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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
arri Inserito il - 10 aprile 2006 : 14:34:14
utilità per autoCAD full


Insert or Remove Characters to Single Line Text
Edit Block Attribute Text
Annotate Block Elevation
All Layers off but Selected
All Layers off but Current
Layer off by Object
Xref Layer freeze by Single Object
Move to Layer by Object
All Layers on
Set Current Layer by Object
Delete layer
Area calculation of polylines based on color or layer. Results can be exported to Excel
Export Polyline Coordinates to Excel
Length Calculate of polylines based on color or layer. Results can be exported to Excel
Reverse Polyline
Point Section and Offset from Polyline
Draw slopemarks from Polylines
Send Point to Clipboard
Align text to UCS and scale it.
Send Selected Text to Excel
Drainage Network Evaluation, evaluation of block (manholes) and Lines (pipes)
Draw Polylines, Circles and Blocks from Coordinates. Paste from Excel to CadTools
Offset 3DPolylines
Create cylinders (pipes) from polylines/lines.
20   U L T I M E    R I S P O S T E    (in alto le più recenti)
chaya Inserito il - 02 gennaio 2020 : 11:23:16
The PBX Operator is responsible for incoming calls and transferring calls to other individuals. The crucial roles of the PBX Operator jobs are to route calls, transfer information, and handle the administrative duties.
The operators mainly work in the office environment, and they should have excellent communication skills. A PBX Operator must also have robust communication skills and showcase customer service accomplishment. https://www.fieldengineer.com/skills/pbx-operator
liber Inserito il - 06 febbraio 2018 : 20:20:14
credo devi provare quella del tuo sistema operativo win 32 o win 64
Arch_luca Inserito il - 06 febbraio 2018 : 17:37:00
Salve a tutti,
avevo una utissima applicazione (utilità) su AutoCAD 2009: Import Points (ABCAutoCAD). Ora sono passato alla versione 2016 e vorrei poterla riutilizzare ma non ricordo più come fare...
Mi potete dare una mano?
arri Inserito il - 20 giugno 2016 : 14:21:26
Replace text fields with static texts.

With the freeware aplication FLD2TXT you can globally replace dynamic text fields in your drawing with static text strings representing their current values.
Load it with APPLOAD and type the command FLD2TXT. You can choose whether to proces just the modelspace fields, paperspace fileds, or all of them.

This tool converts standalone fields, fields in MTexts and Multileaders, in Dimensions and in block Attributes.
arri Inserito il - 20 giugno 2016 : 14:00:07
Extended version of the Express Tool TCASE supports accented characters and offers a new function for conversion of paragraph texts to small caps.
arri Inserito il - 27 maggio 2016 : 12:46:43
SelfIntersect - check for self-intersections and duplicate vertices in polylines (VLX LISP for AutoCAD)
arri Inserito il - 05 maggio 2016 : 10:05:03
Simple detection of a 2D/3D DWG or an empty DWG.

If you to find in your utility or menu-macro whether the current drawing is a 2D or 3D drawing file, or whether it doesn't contain any visual entities, you can use the following simple AutoLISP functions (predicates):

;is current drawing 2D?
(defun is2D-p ()
(and (zerop (caddr (getvar "EXTMIN")))(zerop (caddr (getvar "EXTMAX")))) ; Z-boundingbox = 0?
;is current drawing 3D?
(defun is3D-p ()
(< (caddr (getvar "EXTMIN"))(caddr (getvar "EXTMAX"))) ; Z-boundingbox ?
;is current drawing visually empty?
(defun isEmpty-p ()
(vla-regen (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) 1)
(> (caddr (getvar "EXTMIN"))(caddr (getvar "EXTMAX"))) ; min>max?
The functions - e.g. (is2D-p) - return the values of T (true) or nil (false) in AutoCAD.
aforza Inserito il - 26 aprile 2016 : 16:59:05


arri Inserito il - 26 aprile 2016 : 15:19:04
Dynamic linetype scaling by mouse dragging.

In some cases you need to set the linetype scale visually, so that line symbols or dashes in a given complex linetype fit nicely in your drawing or so that they would align with other geometry.
Instead of trial-error based numerical setting of the ltscale you can use the utility CADstudio DynLTscale. It will help you to set the requested linetype scale visually, by direct influencing the line appearance on screen.

Downllad the freeware utility DynLTscale from www.cadstudio.cz/download, load it with APPLOAD and run the DLTS command. Pick a specific line to set its individual lt scale or press Enter to change global setting of the variable LTSCALE (for all lines in a given layout or drawing).

Moving your mouse up and down dynamically changes the linetype scale. A faster movement results in larger change. The current linetype scale is displayed in the AutoCAD status line. Click to confirm changes.
arri Inserito il - 30 marzo 2016 : 14:02:58
Lisp : Settingout Table
Settingout Table Lisp will create a coordinates and elevation table according to the attribute block placed in the drawing.
arri Inserito il - 23 gennaio 2016 : 21:08:24
[quote]Messaggio inserito da numero1

Forse che il vecchio metodo non è più valido ?

è ancora valido
numero1 Inserito il - 23 gennaio 2016 : 15:23:14
Ma scusa arri, il vecchio metodo per ricavare quest'informazione era aprire il dwg con un editor di testo e:

AC1027 AutoCAD 2013
AC1024 AutoCAD 2010/2011/2012
AC1021 AutoCAD 2007/2008/2009
AC1018 AutoCAD 2004/2005/2006
AC1015 AutoCAD 2000/2000i/2002
AC1014 Release 14
AC1012 Release 13
AC1009 Release 11/12
AC1006 Release 10
AC1004 Release 9
AC1003 Version 2.60
AC1002 Version 2.50
AC1001 Version 2.22
AC2.22 Version 2.22
AC2.21 Version 2.21
AC2.10 Version 2.10
AC1.50 Version 2.05
AC1.40 Version 1.40
AC1.2 Version 1.2
MC0.0 Version 1.0

Questa mi sembra una utility solo per utenti molto pigrons, quasi alla pari di dwgicon, dwgcolumn e dwgversion.
Forse che il vecchio metodo non è più valido ?
arri Inserito il - 22 gennaio 2016 : 11:49:47
How to find which AutoCAD version was used to save a particular DWG

By default, a DWG file displays only the information about the user/author name and the originating group of AutoCAD versions sharing a common DWG file format (more info).
By automatic storing of additional information (see PreSave below) you can subsequently display the exact AutoCAD version used to save the drawing file.

With newer DWG file versions saved from AutoCAD (any vertical version, including LT), but not from Inventor or Revit, you can find out detailed information about the AutoCAD version and language (flavour, language localization, build number - resp. the service pack), which was used to save the drawing, even without previously storing auxiliar data to custom properties.

For this, you can use the .NET application DWGintVer available on our Helpdesk server - see www.cadstudio.cz/download. Load the DLL file into your AutoCAD with NETLOAD and run the command DWGINTVER. This tool displays an information dialog with data about the authoring product - use it of course before you save the DWG on your own AutoCAD.
arri Inserito il - 18 gennaio 2016 : 09:07:55
NBlockList - lists all used blocks + nested blocks and their layers
aforza Inserito il - 17 dicembre 2015 : 17:29:45
Messaggio inserito da arri
eseguire automaticamente macro incorporate in un dwg.........

ah però!!!!

Bella questa..

arri Inserito il - 17 dicembre 2015 : 08:31:55
eseguire automaticamente macro incorporate in un dwg
arri Inserito il - 16 ottobre 2015 : 08:28:53
highlight polyline nodes and segments
arri Inserito il - 31 agosto 2015 : 15:18:39
Stretched move, proportional object move in AutoCAD.

With the freeware utility SMove for AutoCAD you can move selected DWG objects in such way, that objects distant from the reference point will be moved/stretched more than close objects. Only the insertion point of the individual objects is changed, not their geometry.

Download Smove.vlx
arri Inserito il - 30 marzo 2015 : 11:19:08
Autodesk DWG TrueView 2016 32-bit

Autodesk DWG TrueView 2016 64-bit
arri Inserito il - 19 marzo 2015 : 11:48:58
How to make DWG texts readable in a 3D view (align to view)?

If you need to display your drawing containing texts (e.g. labeled survey points, legends, isometrics) from a general 3D direction view or even from the text plane (front view, side view), the texts will not be readable.
With a simple utility ViewText you can automatically align selected texts perpendicular to the vector of the current view and so make them readable (upright).

Download the ViewText add-on application from www.cadstudio.cz/download, load it with APPLOAD and start the VIEWTEXT command. Select the texts, paragraph texts or points and the application will rotate (align) them in the direction of the currently set 3D view in AutoCAD.

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