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Regione: Lombardia
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18 Messaggi

Inserito il - 17 dicembre 2008 : 10:46:35  Mostra Profilo Invia a GimmiGIS un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Applicazione gratuita riservata agli utenti che hanno un contratto di manutenzione e aggiornamento (Autodesk Subscription).
Si chiama Autodesk Impression ed č... impressionante!
Permette di abbellire le tavole in modo pittorico prima di stamparle


Buon lavoro

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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 17 dicembre 2008 : 11:12:46  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Messaggio inserito da GimmiGIS

Applicazione gratuita riservata agli utenti che hanno un contratto di manutenzione e aggiornamento (Autodesk Subscription).
Si chiama Autodesk Impression ed č... impressionante!
Permette di abbellire le tavole in modo pittorico prima di stamparle


Buon lavoro

un regalo che paghi con la Subscription
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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 22 gennaio 2009 : 11:57:07  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Visual Lisp vari

2Dto3D.LSP - Visual LISP Examples for 2D to 3D conversions

2Dto3D - Utility to change entity Z value
C:Carpet - Reduce all Z values to zero
C:2Dto3DByHand - Manual selection of entities to change
C:2Dto3DbyProx - Z update by proximity to Z elevation tag
getTheStartPoint - Utilily to get object start point
AREAGAMES.LSP - Visual LISP Examples for area calculations with block data

C:EXAMPLE1 - Calculate area based on border-object in block
GetBlockArea - Get the area utility function
GetBorderObject - Search block definition for border object
C:EXAMPLE2 - Calculate area based on attribute values
get_ATTS - Return a list of tags and attribute values
put_ATTS - Write a list of tags and attributes to a block insert
ATTRIBS.LSP - Visual LISP Example application for attribute manipulations

C:ATTOUT - extract attributes and block info
C:ATTINP - import attributes and block info
ATT:REPLACE - replace attributes in a block insert
ATT:GETS - get attributes attached to a block insert
BLOCKATTRIBS.LSP - Visual LISP Example utility to update redefined blocks with attributes

C:BLOCKATTRIBS - Command function to update blocks after redefining
ATT:REPLACE - replace attributes in a block insert
ATT:GETS - get attributes attached to a block insert
BLOCKFUN.LSP - Visual LISP Function set to append objects to a block

AppendBlock - append entity to existing block definition
RemoveBlock - remove entity name from block defintion
Get_Block_Ref_Obj - return object reference given block name
CHANGES.LSP - Visual LISP Example to change layers and Z values.

Layer_Update - change layers given selection set and nested list of layer names.
Z_Update - change Z elevations of a selection set.
Ent_Z_Update -change Z elevation for a single entity.
C:TEST1 - Layer conversion demonstration.
C:TEST2 - Z conversion demonstration.
CTEXT.LSP - Visual LISP Example to change text and mark revision.

C:CTEXT - command function to mark change text
DATES.LSP - Visual LISP Utility set for converting various date formats.

AcadCalendar - Given Julian date from AutoCAD DATE variable, returns string MM/DD/YYYY.
AcadJulianDate - Determines base value (Midnight) for AutoCAD DATE variable given the month, day, and year.
AstroCalendar - Given astronomical Julian date, returns string with MM/DD/YYYY format.
AstroJulianDate - Given month, day, year returns Julian date as determined by the Naval Astronomical Observatory.
DayOfWeek - Given month, day, year returns string with the day of the week.
DayOfYear - Given month, day, year return integer number for day of the year.
isLeapYear - Given year returns T if leap year, nil otherwise.
DBREAK.LSP - Visual LISP Routine to break dimension lines (regenerating dimensions will erase breaks!)

C:DBREAK - Break dimension lines command function.
DETAIL.LSP - Visual LISP Routine to create detail enlargements in model space

C:DETAIL - Detail enlargement command function.
DIRSEARCH.LSP - Visual LISP Utility function for directory searching.

DirSearch - Directory search utility function.
SearchThese - Recursive directory search utility function

DRAWCHART.LSP - Visual LISP Example Function to draw a text chart or table from a list of data

DrawChart - Utility function for chart processing.
DetermineColHeight - Figure out which column is tallest.
DetermineRows - Figure out where rows start in Y.
Draw_The_Cells - Draw the linear grid for the chart.
Add_A_Line - Utility to draw a line object.
Add_A_Text - Utility to insert text.
Col_Total_Size - Find X width and Y height of a column.
Get_Column - Get column data as nested list.
Cell_Size - Determine cell size from data.
Verify_data_List - Verifies format of input data list.
HARRYDIALOG1.LSP - Visual LISP and DCL example of Dialog box control

C:HD1 - Hot Tip Harry's Dialog example command function.
varies - Example call back functions for dialog box control.
nth-replace - Replace Nth value in a list utility function.
nth-remove - Remove Nth value in a list utility function.
INOUT.LSP - Visual LISP Utility to determine if point is inside or outside of boundary.

InOut - Utility to determine if a point is inside or outside geometry.
Line_Arc - Compute intersection of line and arc.
Line_Arc_Loop - Looping work horse for Line_Arc.
Find_Lim - Apply tool for point list testing.
C:TestIt - Basic test example.
LastPlot.LSP - Visual LISP Example to display last records from plot log file.

GetLayoutObject - get current layout object reference.
GetPlotConfigs - get active document plot configurations reference.
GetPrefObj - get preferences object reference.
GetPrefOutput - get preferences output object reference.
GetPrefFiles - get preferences files object reference.
GetPlotLogName - retrieve plot log file name from preferences.
ParseCSV - parse input line in comma format to list.
C:LastPlot - command function to display data from plot log file.
LAYERSWAP.LSP - Visual LISP functions that manipulate and swap layer names.

LayerSwap - utility that does the layer name change work.
C:TEST - example that calls LayerSwap for all open documents.
C:DEMOLAYER - utility to modify layer name prefix/suffix for selected entities
LENGTHS.LSP - Visual LISP Example functions using entity object lengths.

getTheLength - return length value for an entity
sumLengths - sum the length values found in a selection set.
findTheLongest - returns ename of longest object in selection set.
findTheShortest - returns ename of shortest object in selection set.
findLengthTest - generic length test utility given selection set.
LINESLOPE.LSP - Visual LISP Example command to annotate sloped line.

C:LineSlope - command function to place percentage slope dimension.
DrawArrow - draw a solid arrow utility.
LWPLINES.LSP - Visual LISP Utilities for manipulating lightweight polylines

LWPOLY_SHOW - Given Entity list, prints points in polyline.
LWPOLY_NTH - returns point, bulge, and widths of segment N.
LWPOLY_CHANGE - change nth point, bulge and widths.
LWPOLY_2_POLY - convert a lightweight poly to a traditional poly

MATH.LSP - Visual LISP Utility function set for math operations.

RTD - radians to degrees.
DTR - degrees to radians.
TAN - compute tangent.
ARCCOS - compute arccosine.
ARCSIN - compute arcsine.
SEC - compute secant.
COSEC - compute cosecant.
COTAN - compute cotangent.
VectMag - compute vector magnitude.
UnitVect - compute unit vector.
VectAdd - add two vectors.
VectAngle - vector angle.
ApplyCoeff - apply a coefficient f(x)=L0+L1*X+L2*X^2...
MATRIX1.LSP - Visual LISP function set to perform matrix math, block point conversion

MatrixOrder - Determine size of rectangular matrix.
AddMatrix - Add matrices of like size.
MultMatrix - Multiply matrices.
MatrixFlip - Row-based to/from Column-based.
BuildBlockMatrix - Construct transformation matrix for block insert.
BlockPnt->WCS - Convert point from block definition to insert location.
NLENGTHEN.LSP - Visual LISP function for modified delta lengthen command.

C:NLENGTHEN - Command function for new lengthen command.
*ERROR* - embedded defun in command function.
PFUNC.LSP - Visual LISP function to plot a function Y=f(X) with f(X) as a form.

C:PFUNC - Command function to execute plot.
PLCHOP.LSP - Visual LISP Example to chop a section out of a polyline.

C:PLCHOP - Command function to chop vertices from a pline.
GetVertexPoints - User input of two vertices from same pline.
REACTOR.LSP - Visual LISP Example application for entity reactors.

C:CONNECT - Connect two circles with a line.
Connection - Draw a line between two circles.
ConnectFix - Reactor function when a circle changed.
WierdSorting.LSP - Visual LISP Examples for demonstrating the sort utilities.

C:ENTITIES - Example to sorted list of entity counts.
C:ESORT - Example that sorts entity points by X then Y.
SortWierdFormat - Example to sort sheet set reference numbers.
C:SORTREFS - Example command function for SortWierdFormat utility.
QuickArrow - GRDRAW example to draw line with arrow head.
ParseNumbs - Parse string into list of numbers.
XDATA.LSP - Visual LISP Example application for extended data manipulation.

X_DATA_GET - get extended data list from entity.
X_DATA_ADD - add extended data to entity.
X_DATA_DEL - remove extended data from entity.
X_DATA_APPIDS - build list of registered applications.
NTH_SUBST - substitute nth member in list.
C:EST - estimation example application shows use of extended data to house bill of material info about objects.
XLSEEK.LSP - Visual LISP Example to search an Excel Spreadsheet.

Excel_Record - Search for a match in column A of work sheet.
Close_Excel_Links - Close object linkage to work sheet.
ColLetter - Given a number returns letter as per Excel columns.
XLSEX1.LSP - Visual LISP Example to write a list to an Excel Spreadsheet.

List_2_Excel - Write a list of data to a spread sheet.
ColLetter - Convert column number to Excel style letter label.
XLSOBJ.LSP - Visual LISP Example to link to Excel Spreadsheet, update variable reference.

Link_2_Excel - Set up link to Excel worksheet objects.
Update_Variable - Sends new value to variable named in spreadsheet.
Close_XL - Close link to Excel worksheet object
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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 26 gennaio 2009 : 08:40:22  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Convert entities or entity colors to separate layers
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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 27 gennaio 2009 : 11:28:41  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
isolare layer xref

The LAYISO command does not support selection of entities embedded in blocks or xrefs. So you cannot use it to isolate (hide other) layers which are part of an external reference drawing.
By principle, it is not possible to show a single layer from an xref and hide (switch off) all other drawing layers (including the layer where the xref is inserted). By switching off the xref insertion layer, you'll switch off the whole xref, regardless of the visibility of its individual layers.

Nevertheless, as a limited solution for this functionality (assumes an xref inserted in the layer 0, not switched off), you can use the following LISP utility - the "LIX" command (save it to the file lix.lsp and load it with APPLOAD):

(defun C:LIX ( / entlay)
(setq entlay(cdr(assoc 8 (entget(car(nentsel "Select an Xref-object to isolate: "))))))
(if (vl-string-search "|" entlay)
(command "._-layer" "_s" "0" "_off" "*" "_n" "_on" entlay "")
(princ "\nThis is not an Xref!")
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Utente Master

Regione: Puglia
Prov.: Lecce
Cittā: Galatone

2235 Messaggi

Inserito il - 29 gennaio 2009 : 13:43:48  Mostra Profilo Invia a MEM un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
In questo sito http://www.acadianagraphics.com/, che forse arri ricorda per i quiz, ci sono delle ottime utility compreso un Solid Stretch.
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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 29 gennaio 2009 : 14:06:20  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Messaggio inserito da MEM

In questo sito http://www.acadianagraphics.com/, che forse arri ricorda per i quiz, ci sono delle ottime utility compreso un Solid Stretch.

hai fatto un bel regalo a chi usa il 3D
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Utente Master

Regione: Puglia
Prov.: Lecce
Cittā: Galatone

2235 Messaggi

Inserito il - 30 gennaio 2009 : 15:40:07  Mostra Profilo Invia a MEM un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Gia' citato in altre occasioni da Aniello e arri, questo sito:http://www.afralisp.net/downloads.htm, propone alcuni lispini.
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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia
Prov.: Cremona
Cittā: Casalmaggiore

1884 Messaggi

Inserito il - 01 febbraio 2009 : 17:15:26  Mostra Profilo Invia a joseph un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Non visualizzare Drawing1.dwg all'apertura.

Un utente ha chiesto, su un altro forum, se esisteva un'opzione per far aprire autocad senza nessun Nuovo File di Default.
Soluzione (non mia): inserire questa funzione alla fine del file "acadxxxxdoc.lsp" (dove, al posto di xxxx, si deve indicare il numero della versione):
Il file dovrebbe trovarsi nella cartella Support di Autocad.

(defun-q s::startup ()
(if (= (getvar "dwgname") "Drawing1.dwg")
(progn (command "_close")
(if (> (getvar "cmdactive") 0) (command "_Y"))

Sulle versioni italiane, sostituire Drawing1.dwg con Disegno1.dwg).
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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 19 febbraio 2009 : 08:20:11  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Giving Elevation Symbols Automaticly
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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 24 febbraio 2009 : 10:57:22  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
convert 2D SOLID objects to 3D faces

If you need to (e.g. for rendering) convert 2D objects of the type SOLID to 3D faces, use an intermediate conversion to REGION or a conversion to Surfaces.
The REGION command can convert Solids to Regions - then you can explode them or use them for modeling.

But you can also directly use the CONVTOSURFACE command and get the entity of the type Surface (PLANESURFACE). You can render it directly or use the THICKEN command to assign it a minimal thickness making it a 3D Solid body (3DSOLID).

To directly convert 2D Solids to 3D Faces or PFaces you can use the Xanadu Sol2Face utility
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Utente Master

Regione: Puglia
Prov.: Lecce
Cittā: Galatone

2235 Messaggi

Inserito il - 25 febbraio 2009 : 13:22:26  Mostra Profilo Invia a MEM un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Gia' citato in una discussione da Jotar, evidenzio questo utile sito:
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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 28 febbraio 2009 : 01:51:56  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando

generatore di script per versioni AutoCAD sino alla 2005
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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 19 marzo 2009 : 08:14:00  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Change AutoCAD screen background color based on OSNAPZ

;;; By Jimmy Bergmark
;;; Copyright (C) 2009 JTB World, All Rights Reserved
;;; Website: www.jtbworld.com
;;; E-mail: info@jtbworld.com
;;; 2009-03-17 - First release
;;; Tested on AutoCAD 2010

;;; changes the background depending on the state of OSNAPZ

; activate the reactor with the (chz) command
; remove the semicolon befor on the last row to automatically activate this upon loading this lisp
; you can load this in each drawing with acaddoc.lsp
; http://www.jtbworld.com/lisp/acaddoc.htm
: background colors can easily be changed below in the code.

(defun chz ()
(if (not ct_rea)
ct_rea (vlr-sysvar-reactor
'((:vlr-sysVarChanged . reactonosnapz))

(defun reactonosnapz (event parameter)
(if (= (car parameter) "OSNAPZ")
(if (= (cadr parameter) T)
(if (= (getvar "OSNAPZ") 1)

; Set the background in model and paper space to grey
(defun BGGrey ()
(setq disp (vla-get-display (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))))
(setq drafting (vla-get-drafting (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))))
(vla-put-GraphicsWinModelBackgrndColor disp 5987163)
(vla-put-GraphicsWinLayoutBackgrndColor disp 5987163)
(vla-put-LayoutCrosshairColor disp 16777215)
(vla-put-ModelCrosshairColor disp 16777215)
(vla-put-AutoTrackingVecColor disp 16777215)
(vla-put-AutoSnapMarkerColor drafting 2)

; Set the background in model and paper space to white
(defun BGWhite ()
(setq disp (vla-get-display (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))))
(setq drafting (vla-get-drafting (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))))
(vla-put-GraphicsWinModelBackgrndColor disp 16777215)
(vla-put-GraphicsWinLayoutBackgrndColor disp 16777215)
(vla-put-LayoutCrosshairColor disp 0)
(vla-put-ModelCrosshairColor disp 0)
(vla-put-AutoTrackingVecColor disp 0)
(vla-put-AutoSnapMarkerColor drafting 6)

; Set the background in model and paper space to black
(defun BGBlack ()
(setq disp (vla-get-display (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))))
(setq drafting (vla-get-drafting (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))))
(vla-put-GraphicsWinModelBackgrndColor disp 0)
(vla-put-GraphicsWinLayoutBackgrndColor disp 0)
(vla-put-LayoutCrosshairColor disp 16777215)
(vla-put-ModelCrosshairColor disp 16777215)
(vla-put-AutoTrackingVecColor disp 16777215)
(vla-put-AutoSnapMarkerColor drafting 2)

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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 26 marzo 2009 : 07:43:53  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
LISP utility DBXscanXref scans all DWG files in a given folder (and its subfolders) and generates a report with a list of all DWG files containing external references, the number of xrefs and optionally also their names (paths). The files are not opened individually.
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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 01 aprile 2009 : 11:55:13  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
utilitā per Civil2009

Reverse sample line numbering for river flow alignments.
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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 17 aprile 2009 : 21:46:38  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Esportare le proprietā dei layer in Excel

- aprire Gestione layer

- tasto destro -> seleziona tutto


- incollare in Excel

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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 21 aprile 2009 : 21:29:15  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
possibilitā di richiedere gratuitamente il Manuale Utente

Want hard copy manuals to go with your AutoCAD?

Back in the day of R13 and earlier, AutoCAD used to come with enough hard copy manuals to stack 7 or 8 inches high. I've still got more than one R13 box, although not all the books. Nowdays you receive a plastic DVD box with a disk. The manuals are still there, they are just in electronic form now.

Some people prefer this method, and it certainly saves tons of paper. I'm sure there were some people who received the giant box of manuals in the old days and never even *****ed them. Are you one of the other type? Do you still like a real paper book in your hands? Read on...

Yes, you can still get hard copy Users Guides, and best of all they are FREE. Well, you did pay a huge chunk for the software, but the manuals won't cost you any more, let's put it that way. Go to http://www.autodeskbookrequest.com and put in your request. You will need your serial number, and you will be able to get one set for each * that you have. I received mine in about 3 days.

The Users Guide is so large, it's split into three volumes. The Customization Guide and strangly enough, the VBA and ActiveX developers guide are still available too, though the latter looks unchanged compared to previous years. I say strangly because VBA is on its way out the door, it isn't even shipped or installed with AutoCAD 2010.
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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 04 maggio 2009 : 11:40:04  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Break curve at all listed distances (stations)

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Utente Master

Regione: Puglia
Prov.: Lecce
Cittā: Galatone

2235 Messaggi

Inserito il - 04 maggio 2009 : 17:58:42  Mostra Profilo Invia a MEM un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
AlgoLab Raster to Vector Conversion Toolkit converts architect, mechanical and various technical drawings, maps and other types of line artwork from raster to vector formats. This means that a paper drawing can be scanned, line artwork automatically recognized and represented in a vector format that then can be imported to your CAD or drawing program.
Non male, l'ho provato.

Dall'Autodesk il trial 30 gg. di: AutoCAD Raster Design

Modificato da - MEM in data 04 maggio 2009 18:08:05
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