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 Tavolozza degli strumenti (ACLT 2009)
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Inserito il - 16 febbraio 2009 : 15:52:37  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Messaggio inserito da arkanoid

ma è ironico?

potresti interpellare l'assistenza Autodesk, magari hanno la soluzione
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Utente Master

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Inserito il - 19 febbraio 2009 : 18:30:42  Mostra Profilo  Clicca per vedere l'indirizzo MSN di arkanoid Invia a arkanoid un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Riporto la risposta dal forum di supporto AutoCAD.

IF your DB is not a block within the drawing file, i.e. you do not have a block in the DB file but must choose Current Drawing to edit dynamic properties in the editor; then from the Palette you can have the DB properties available and on the correct layer when pulled from the Pallette. Being placed on the Palette also allows me to right click the DB and assign a layer to it.

I keep all my DB's as drawings with dynamic properties. That is to say the individual block is just a drawing, I cannot use dynamic properties within that file. These DB's have been placed on a Palette outside of the template file so that they are called from my Dynamic Block Folder. This allows me to make changes to the block and always have it fresh each time I start a new general drawing. Doing this requires that the layer be present in the template.

If you are looking to place a DB in a drawing that does not have the DB or layer then inserting the DB, or any block for that matter, will bring these new layer properties with it and then they would be avaliable.

The DB that you posted and I inserted into my drawing was a block as you would expect any normal block to be. At this time I did not have access to the DB properties. After exploding it once I then had acess to the DB properties and had the DB block. The initial insertion of this block was on the current layer of the drawing. After exploding the DB was on your layer when highlighted and viewd in the Properties window.

If you want the new layer to be current and the DB to be on that layer when the layer is not present in the drawing then you will need a macro button to create the layer and its properties, make this current, and then insert the block.

Regards, Charles Shade

(Sorry for all the wording)
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